Win Mark King’s Bass Guitar
Be in to win the legendary Mark King’s Custom-Made Status-Graphite Bass Guitar which he personally played during Level 42’s Eternity Tour and many festivals.
Mark has kindly donated this uniquely personal instrument to help raise funds for Pete Ray Biggin’s – Level 42’s drummer for those that don’t know! – Track23 Studios project. There is an ongoing crowdfunding campaign to raise the final funding to complete construction of the studios and provide an incredible resource for working musicians to create, produce and mix in a custom-built creative hub in Watford, UK. Please take a moment to visit the campaign, get involved and share across your social media 😊
Now, back to the raffle 😉
This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a unique piece of musical history. This is not just some factory bass — this is the original bass guitar made to Mark’s own personal specifications and was his go-to weapon of choice during the Level 42 Eternity Tour.
For fans of Mark King and Level 42 there can be nothing greater than personally holding (with reverence) and owning the actual bass guitar played by Mark on the 2018 tour.
You have one chance in a lifetime to own this incredible bass, and this is it.