MK Ode to Justin Bieber

An affectionate homage to the dude. It’s actually a song called Fashion Fever, but my kid asked “Why are you singing Justin Bieber…?” The original will be on the Running In The Family @ 25, Acoustic re-interpretations…. catchy title eh?, all coming soon from Universal Music.


Dear Friends, the fantastic news is that the total raised by your bidding for the Friends of Beaulieu House charity is…

£8,617.55 $13,7665.05,   €9,659.64)

and your very generous donations directly have taken the amount to over £11,000.

…So I thank you most sincerely on behalf of all the kids, families, and staff at Beaulieu House. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!


love to all, Mark xxx


Happy New Year……….

Wahey mates! Belated New Years Greetings to one and all. I hope it is a corker for everyone.

We’ve had a few emails about the 30th Anniversary US Tour T-Shirts, and would there be any more available, so we’ve given the artwork ( thank you Susan Weller!) to and they will make an official re-issue t-shirt for you. We have also uploaded some ‘classic’ early official Level 42 tour t-shirt designs and will be adding to these if they seem popular.

Once again thanks to for the merch!

Live dates coming in for 2011…… I’ll post them as soon as they are confirmed.

Love to all, Mx