
Long haired lovers from Liverpool!!!!

Yo Liverpool, spot on mates, loved playing for ya!!! Beautiful!!!!!! Had a great afternoon at LIPA too, with Pete watching my back, really good to meet some of the next generation of movers and shakers….. good luck dudes.

Let’s keep it rolling, come on Oxford! ( COME ON!…J.Paxman)

Love to all, Mx

Thank you Newcastle!!!!!

Well, this has been the best start to any tour I’ve been on, fabulous, and it’s all thanks to you dudes for coming to see us, and still diggin’ it after 30 years.

Sting and Dominic dropped in to say ‘hi’ which was very cool, and my hero Paul Thompson from the Roxy Music drum stool came in and had a drink too! Brill!! Cheers Newcastle.

Love to all Mx

Thank you Glasgow!

Fantastic night once again in Glasgow thanks to all you guys who came out to see us –  great vibes!

Come on Newcastle!

Love to all, Mx

Level 42 To Open The 2010 Bestival on the Isle Of Wight

Oh yes! I’m very happy to announce that we will be opening this years Bestival on Friday September 10th, and special thanks to Rob Da Bank for giving us such a great slot. The perfect way to celebrate our 30th Anniversary with a gig on the Isle of Wight.  I hope you can get tickets ok…..

Thanks also to the lovely people of Kiel, Rapperswill, and Lugano. We have loved playing at your festivals too, and really had some fun.

More dates to come………!!!!

Love to all,


bestival logo 2010 dates