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Level 42 Australia Tour Announcement by Mark King

Level 42 are coming to Australia May 2020. Mark King has a message for fans of the band in this special announcement


  1. Cannot express my joy at your visit to Melbourne! 😀😀😀😀🌟🌟🌟🌟

  2. Great News……..Been a massive fan since the 80’s and cannot wait to see the boys finally playing live Down Under. Good on ya Mark and Mike for making the effort!!

  3. Covid postponed and then killed(definitely no pun intended at all) this, the first ever tour of Australia and New Zealand. Is there any chance of any news of a rescheduled tour of Australia and New Zealand, and for me especially a Sydney date, or dates? I would be one of the first in line to buy tickets if this will ever happen. Even if there is nothing scheduled at this stage simply letting us know it has not been completely ruled out for some time in the future would be great news for all your long suffering Australian and New Zealand fans such as myself.

    Thanking you all in advance.

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