From the blog

Very sad news…

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to tell you of the passing of our dear friend and brother Boon Gould.
Dorset Police confirmed that he was found dead at his home on Tuesday morning.
You are at peace now Boon, no more pain mate.
Thank you for everything.
Mark x


  1. I’m soo sorry to hear so shocked can’t believe it mark and Mike I hope you live a very long life please bring out a new album 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but your condolences seem a bit disingenuous when offer said condolences and then follow it up with, “please make a new album.” These guys are grieving. I’m certain they will come out with an album in time, but give them a chance to heal.

    • So sad to loose a very talented and I’m sure a friendly kind person to those who well lucky enough to have met him in person’ after recently finding level 42 again to my joy!! Did I look into the band and found this sad news, that I found out like my self he suffered with mental health and its really opened my eyes and to try and get through this my sorry to the loved ones who miss him still..thanks for the music for ever in are hearts Gary… X x

  2. Very sad news condolences to all boon was a guitarist and an original member of the band.
    The next level 42 album should be dedicated to boon.
    Steve Tiley

  3. Sad news. Played some of the original line up, played loud & shed a tear. Thank you Boon, RIP friend

    • huge respect, love, prayers for Boon, and especially for Phil, the Gould family, Mark, Mike and all members as well as friends on the Island. X

  4. I am really shocked……………….i have seen the orginal formation twice in The Netherlands………..wonderful memories……………..thank you so very much Boon for all the inspiration! My condolances to your family and fellow musicians of Level 42!

  5. Absolutely gutted to hear of Boons passing. Level 42 was a massive part of my 80s memories, and I mourn the loss of a great guy. RIP fella x

  6. RIP Boon.

    You have given us much to remember you by, and to be extremely grateful for the masterful talent you had been given.

    My sympathies and condolences to his brother Philip, all family and friends.

  7. Such sad news, grew up listening to the band, have seen them many times, with both the orginal line up and the ones over the years since.. Music lives on, Boon wrote some great lyrics and played some great licks on the guitar too, an amazing talent. RIP Boon ! xx

  8. I’m so sorry to read this sad news xx My sincere condolences to all Boon’s family & friends, including Mark & the band xx

  9. Dear LFT fans, family and friends of Boon, Mike, Mark & Philip,

    My condolences to you all. Saw Boon right from the beginning of LFT in the NL. Even spoke him a few times. Thank you Boon, for your inspiration and music of LFT.

    Flabbergasted by this sad news.

    Rest in Peace dear Boon.

    Maarten van Beek

  10. Tragic news – sincere condolences to his family and friends

    A true great – will always be remembered

  11. Christ…

    I feel like I’ve lost a family member. I’ve played the video for “Something About You” so many times over the last few years and Boon… was always there, you know? It’s just so difficult to process right now.

    Boon Gould was such an essential part of Level 42. A talent. Such a talent.

    My deepest condolences to Phil, Mark, Mike, Boom’s children, his family, fans, and everyone who loved Boon.

    RIP mate. Always in our hearts.

  12. RIP Boon. You were only in the band for a few years but your songwriting and guitar licks remained a big part of the legacy of the band. Condolences to the Boon’s family and other members of the band too

  13. So very sad to read about Boon . My thoughts are with his family and with Mark and the Band

    R.I.P Boon

  14. I can’t forget to be a fan of Level 42, his guitar touch, which has left an indelible mark on the production of this fantastic band. I have always hoped for a reunion with him and Phil, one last time, to leave the mark definitively. You will play for Someone who is higher than us!

    From Sicily, a hug from me to Mark, Mike, Phil, and to all the guys in the band that carry around the world, this fantastic Orchestra called LEVEL 42.

  15. Absolutely shell shocked and gutted. Rest in peace Boon and thank you so much for the memories that you gave me. A legend forever. Also Phil, Mike and Mark, our thoughts are also with you.

  16. Très très triste 🙁

    En faisant partie du quatuor original, Boon a bercé ma jeunesse en tant que membre du groupe qui a profondement changé mon approche de la musique, à travers la complémentarité parfaite de chacun de ces musiciens. Boon continuera d’enchanter ma vie à travers tout ce qu’il a pu réaliser avec Level 42, et sa guitare raisonnera eencore et encore dans mes oreilles pour longtemps.

    R.I.P. Boon.

  17. It is so sad to hear about that…
    We are going to miss u Boon..
    Condolences to his family and a huge hug to Phil Mark and Mike
    R.I.P Boon

  18. Very sad to hear this news. Your sound changed things for me. Boon’s contribution was immense.

    Best wishes to all.

  19. Been a fan since I was 6 I am so sorry to hear this sad news what a jazz funk legend keep playing boon I’m still listening God bless

  20. Just, so, so sorry to hear this sad news.
    Heaven has another hero xx
    My deepest sympathies to Boon’s family and friends. My heart goes out to you all xx
    Thank you, dearest Boon, and all the L42 family, past and present, for the beautifully exhilarating catalogue of music you created and shared with the world. Music and love will outlive us all!!
    Thinking in particular of you, Mark and Mike, and especially Phil xxx And my deepest condolences and prayers are with Boon’s children xx
    Much love and very best wishes to you all, for strength and courage through these dark, difficult times through to brighter, lighter days and beyond xxx
    We all care about you all and you are not alone xx

  21. condolences and best wishes to the rest of the band, you guys are my favourite band as I have seen you twice and you rock.

  22. Condolences to Phil on the loss of your brother, and to Alexander on the loss of your uncle. With deepest sympathy,
    Will Nixon, formerly of St. Mary’s
    School, Ampthill Road, Ryde.

  23. Heartfelt condolences to Phillip, Mark, Mike and the entire Level 42 family on the loss of your brother Boon.
    His talent and soul will live on forever. RIP Boon.

  24. Shocked to hear the news. My condolences to the Gould family and all who knew Boon. I wish I had seen you play and always hoped for another solo album as good as the two you made or maybe a small tour of that music. Thank you for the inspiration over the years, it meant so much to so many people – more than you you could have known.
    RIP Boon.

  25. Rest in peace, Boon. You were truly a ‘poet from the past’ who made the world a richer, more thoughtful place.

  26. Omg, no no no no no….. I remember first seeing you guys in the early day’s at Reading Uni, Hexagon and The Rivermead via Wembley and Barcelona. Those were some of the best days of my life and here I am now sat in my music room some 35 years later hearing the so very sad news that Boon has passed away. I have seen the band many more times over the years but nothing can compare to those early days which has helped shape my life and the person I have become.
    RIP Boon, tonight I shed a tear as I listen to my back catalogue of Vinyl

  27. Condolences to Phil, Mark, Mike and Boon’s family and friends. I have been a Level 42 fan since the first album
    back when I was 16 years old and their music has been a big part of the soundtrack my life.

    Thank you Boon for the great music, live and on record and memories. May you rest in peace.

    Mark Keegan

  28. So sorry to hear about the passing of Boon who along with his brother Phil were a very important part of the Level 42 sound back in the 80s, il stick on the live at the Rockpalast DVD tonight and have a couple of drinks to his memory. R.I.P Boon

  29. RIP dear Boon. My deepest condolences to the Gould family, especially Phil of course. And to all the Level 42 family as well, including all the musicians who had the privilege to work with Boon and/or to play his own lines.
    Hugs from the heart to Mark, Mike, Phil, Pete, Wally, Gary, Sean, Nathan et all. Much love from Italy.

  30. A lovely player and wonderful lyricist, bourne of much torment. Surprised at how affected I am by his passing. Love to all. x

  31. So shocked to hear the news today about Boon. Grew up listening to you and the band but as you wrote ‘there is something about you’. You legacy will live on forever. RIP Boon.

  32. So sad to hear this. I am forever grateful for the music he gave us. My condolences to his family and friends.

  33. Robert and I send our love and condolences to Phil and all of the Gould family. We are in utter shock at this most distressing and horrific news, and we are grieving with all of you. All of our love as well to all of the band members, and to all of the L42 family. All of our prayers. Boon, you will never be forgotten, and you will be forever missed. Rest with the Angels now, Mate. Thank you for all you did, for so many. R.I.P.
    XO Kitty and Robert Armstrong.

  34. Just watched the vid of the last time Boon was on stage with Level42 in 2012 in Bristol. So so sad that this can never happen again. Boon was a brilliant musician and songwriter and will never be forgotten by the Level fans ever. His music will live on through the band. Rest in peace Boon, condolences to Mark, Mike, Phil and his family. X

  35. So sorry to hear the passing of Boon, my sincere condolences to Phil and the L42 family and fans. Been playing the early stuff from 1980-1987 and it’s top class musicianship from Mark, Mike, Boon and Phil.


  36. What a HUGE Loss … too soon … too soon…
    I’ve gone through the gambit of emotions …
    shock, disbelief, sorrow, feeling cheated .. and then, … anger … almost wanting to punch the wall for loss of such a decent/intelligent/kind-hearted/talented human being … (One can only imagine the aching void poor Phil must be experiencing right now .. I feel so deeply for him and can only hope this doesn’t take a massive toll on him psychologically or physically… it worries me.)

    Anyone who’s been afforded the opportunity to both see him in concert AND get to know him personally is truly fortunate. When Level 42 was scheduled to play at The Palace in Hollywood back in 1986, my sister & I were going to see you, but she insisted on skipping it because we had an earthquake a few days before your play date and she was afraid of aftershocks with that building, so I was forced to forfeit the ticket! >:( There was nothing I could do about her decision so I missed out on that incredible opportunity that never came ’round again. My mom & I got to see you much later though – at The Grove in Anaheim, CA back in 2010, but I sure wish we could see you as often as you play around the UK! I’d be in the audience as much as Julian! ;D

    Boon was a phenomenal guitar player – certainly overlooked & underrated, .. possibly because he WAS just so humble & debonair about his style of delivery. He certainly knew the art of subtle accompaniment, but just at the right time, played clear, bold, & classy riffs & solos… I told Phil once (on Twitter) how amazing it was that Boon’s hand would barely move when he played, yet all these notes were just flying out of his guitar. I then asked Phil who Boon’s favorite artists were, and Phil said he had a huge collection of heavy metal records. I said, “WHAT??!! That’s like hearing Fred Astaire likes to SLAM DANCE!” – it truly blew me away how such a humble, quiet guy could like that kind of music,.. but then again, maybe that’s just why he liked it… it expressed FOR him what he felt inside but couldn’t express himself … a roaring ocean underneath that calm, cool exterior… He’ll be sorely missed… & the music world has lost a tremendous talent!

  37. Dear Phil & family Gould, Mark, Mike, Nathan, Pete, Sean, Nichol en Dan,

    I’m so sorry to hear that Rowland/Boon passed away.
    It’s such a sad news.
    My sincere condolences and love to you all.
    Rowland/Boon, thank you so much for the music you played and you have written with Mark, Mike and Phil.
    Rest in peace, Boon.

    I wish you all a lot of strenght and my thoughts are with you.

    Karin Vunderink

  38. This is sad news & a shock! Will be praying for the Gould family, Mark & Mike. Bless you all

  39. I’m so sad to hear of Boon’s loss. Condolences to the entire Level 42 posse, and especially to Phil and the Gould family.

    Boon’s rhythm playing on the “Physical Presence” live album completely changed my style as a guitarist. I heard the album at college in America in 1986, and it made me a lifelong fan of Boon and Level 42.

    To this day, along with the pile of diverse music I listen to, I often jam out to Level 42 and pick out Boon’s riffs on my weekend runs. The tunes lift my spirits and help the miles pass under my feet.

    Boon was one of my biggest guitar influences, and probably never got the recognition he deserved. But he will never be forgotten and his music lives on! Cheers.

    Best regards
    Roger Placer
    New Jersey USA

  40. I grew up with Level 42, have all CDs, a lot of 12 inch vinyl, it will never sound the same again, I find this terrible, I am really shocked, RIP Boon, there will come a time when you will continue to play up there , and then I am in the front row to enjoy you again, its only a matter of time.

  41. So, so, sad. Our life’s journey is so random yet so often blessed…And yet at again it presents us with the passing of our most precious friends…Boon, you made such and incredible contribution to the musical history of this great country. We will not forget you. X

  42. Word travels slowly, sometimes. I am so sorry to hear. Condolences to his family, both biological and musical.

    He will be missed.

  43. Dear Boon.

    Words cannot express the sadness I… no, WE all feel when someone we have grown to love is taken away so suddenly. You were, in fact still are, part of the soundtrack of our years growing up and beyond – that will never change.
    My condolences to your family, band members and the fans who are all affected by this loss.

    The sun goes down…RIP x

  44. I’ve just learned today, that Boon passed over a month ago – I’m in shock and gutted. I grew up on the original Level 42 line-up and Boon, along with his brother Phil, were integral in my mind at that time. Their departure for me (at that time) meant the end of Level 42 (for me, at that time). Only very recently was I watching Boon play guitar on YouTube with Mark and the rest of the current Level 42 line up and that made me very happy to see. But now….. this sad news. So, so upset. Of course I never knew him personally, but these famous people are part of our growing up, part of what makes us who we are and what we like :). We all grew up on this journey together and before Level 42, well, there was no Level 42 ! RIP Boon. Your subtle, understated guitar playing is forever in recorded in my mind and permanently at the very top of my my most influential music collection. Big fella, you stood tall and played perfectly for all to enjoy. Now RIP.

  45. Just found out about Boon this second. My condolences to the band and his family. He was a great guitarist, as can be reflected in the riffs, solos and funky chords which continue to be an integral part of the songs. Apart from his contribution to all the earlier studio albums, the live double album “A Physical Presence” which feature Boon and Phillip Gould heavily, is a particular favorite of mine and has never stopped getting a airing on my turntable or car cd player. May he live forever in the music. I am saddened. RIP Boon

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