Wahey mates! Belated New Years Greetings to one and all. I hope it is a corker for everyone.
We’ve had a few emails about the 30th Anniversary US Tour T-Shirts, and would there be any more available, so we’ve given the artwork ( thank you Susan Weller!) to www.cafepress.co.uk/L42MERCHANDISE and they will make an official re-issue t-shirt for you. We have also uploaded some ‘classic’ early official Level 42 tour t-shirt designs and will be adding to these if they seem popular.
Once again thanks to www.cafepress.co.uk for the merch!
Live dates coming in for 2011…… I’ll post them as soon as they are confirmed.
Love to all, Mx
Yeahhhh thank you so much Mark !! Susan is such a talented Lady and I am so pleased for her !! 🙂 I shall be watching out for the shirts too . this just made my day !!
Love to you back MK … xxx
Cori 🙂
HAPPY NEW YEAR Mark & the guys! I’d wondered where you had got to.
Hope this year is a good one for you guys too. Started off well for me so I’m sharing the good vibes!
Love backatcha xx 😉
2011 live dates soon!!! Woohoooooooooooo!!!!
🙂 Cori, you took the words right out of my mouth, completely made my day too.
And the classic Level 42 T-Shirts sound fab! I have my birthday wishlist completely wrapped up already…!
Hope you had a brill New Year too Mark, can’t wait to see you again, it’s gonna be a great year!
Lots of love
Sammy x x x x
Bristol, UK.
Great news about new tour dates. Hope that holland is also in that new list. After our short meeting at “live in lloyd, rotterdam”, hope to speak again this year.
Just ordered some nice things, hope the new dvd will come sone.
Also a great new 2011 level 42 year to all of you.
Best regards, Daan
Happy new year to you, as well, Mark! Hope yours was a corker as well. 😀
I’m so glad there will be shirts of the 30th anniversary US tour available again! I believe they’ve sold out by the time the band arrived in Southern California!
LIVE DATES FOR 2011! I’d been waiting for those! I’m hoping the US will be included, once again! Please try to get the House of Blues in Anaheim (practically my backyard!) or the Sunset Strip booked, if you can! 😀
Wahey! 😉
<3, Aura
Wonderful news!!! My wallet is going to take the beating! But it’s all for a good reason. ;). I’m so happy, this totally made my day. Hoping for some California dates!!
Oh, and Happy New Year to you and the rest of Level 42!
Just ordered a Level 42 mug, how nice !! -;) Wishing you all the best, & VERY welcome anyway, to Flanders or Brussels in 2011 -;)
music grtz,
Nina from Bruges
LIVE 2011 DATES!! Great news – please let there be plenty of UK gigs again and I’ll be there…
Indigo2 was a great gig and look forward to that DVD!! any news on that yet Mark?)
It should be a great year for Level 42 and the fans… EP / DVD / More gigs and I look forward to seeing you (Mark) and Pete perform at the London Bass Guitar Show – got my ticket 😉
Best Wishes to you and the fans 🙂
Thanks Mark! Hope to see you back in the City by the Bay (San Francisco) later this year! 😀
Happy New Year, y’all!
Much love to you and yours.
lisa x
Happy New Year and great news re: 2011 live dates! Please try and make it to Toronto, Canada this time please!! 🙂
i second that motion CanadaBass!!! Please please please .. ya i know its pathetic but hey we gotta try eh?? !! LOL
you Europeans see them LOTS . its more for us on this side of the pond now .. and further north of the 49th 😉 .. grabbin me coat before the restraining order is issued …. hehehe 🙂
I hope that Indonesia, Canada will be listed for upcoming gigs in 2011, amen !
Happy New Year to all the band. I’m going to keep checking in to see if Australia will ever get on the gig list (Sydney of course).
Come over and grab a bit of the Aussie sunshine, you’ll be glad you did.
Happy New Year!
Please come to japan.
(And I’m looking forword to get a new dvd!)
I’m sorry.
I made a typo!
Happy newyear to you too! Well bring on the Dutch dates then. ( at least 20 ) I will open a bottle of ROthchild as promised at the Den Haag concert and bring it over!! haha. Can’t wait for the cd/dvd!
Let’s make it a GRRRRREAT Level year! Cheers!
Ok, I have to beg for those of us in Texas ! Please come back..my sis and I saw y’all in Lubbock when you opened for Tina Turner. Then we got tickets for the Vegas concert last summer, but we weren’t able to make it ! So, Happy New Year, and please don’t forget the great state of Texas loves you ! Come see us in 2011…we’d love to be with you again ….
Look forward to seeing you sometime this year……and just had a peek at the merchandise…hmmm 1982 and 1983 original T-Shirt my all time favourite design…..I still have my ones purchased then…and am trying to shrink myself down to be able wear them again!!!
Have a cracking year!!!
Belated Happy New Year to you Mark and the guys. So glad to hear you would be including Canada on your tour this year! Toronto’s Massey Hall awaits your return…..!!!
All the best,
Brian and Shelley
Hope everyone is having a great 2011……There is a radio station in USA……..Boston Massachusetts where I live that presents a concert series in the summertime………really nice outdoors type of thing down on the water on the famous Hatch Shell……….where the world famous Boston Pops perform. Oldies 103.3 FM……..they play music from the 60s 70s 80s. I am a member and they sent an email yesterday to its members about what groups that people would like to see perform for the summer concert series 2011……………well of course I sent my reply……..and said that I would like to see….Level 42……if this ever happens…..it would be more than I could stand…….I could not imagine the excitement of the many fans. It would trully be an awesome experience……….so I will keep my fingers crossed.
Yeah, happy new year and let us know your 2011 tour dates, soon!
Happy new year Mark & Level 42! Hope you are doing some UK dates as I will deffo come along to hear you guys play 🙂
Hello! My name is Graciela Sanchez, is of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, never loses the hope of which they happen through our country, is my dream… are many fanatics here his that live music on the 80 day to day.
Pardon by the translation, but I am using a translator. Not like communicating to me with You, please!
Marc if you answer east message to me will fill me of happiness, and but if they think about the possibility of coming to Argentina. Thank you very much .
mail: graciela1807@yahoo.com.ar Thank you!
new tour dates YAY!! You guys certainly know how to brighten up a dull January 🙂 See ya soon! Xx
Right on Mark!! Can’t to see you guys back here in LA!
Great to hear about the new merchandise & tourdates.
Is there any chance of you guys doing a live in concert for BBC radio 2.Just imagine playing your hometown gig with about 14 million listeners worldwide.It would be a fantastic way to celebrate 30 years in the business
I hope you come back to the US (PA please?!)
Much love to you! xx
Same for you Mark ! And perhaps include Aruba in your tour schedule… could be nice, chilling on the beach, coconut filled with rum in your hand. See my comment under your post ‘grinning in groningen’. I seem to have missed you guys by 12 days due to my emigration to Aruba in October 2008 🙁 I am, what you may call, one of the new crowds, just joint and registered as per today. No excuse, I am 37, should not have missed it, but I have unforgivably 😉 Some serious catchin’ up to do I guess!
Big brasa, Janis
Ps… On second thought, perhaps from a pure commercial point of view, Aruba may not be the most prosperous choice for a live gig… people here simply haven’t got a clue and you will be performing for a few lost Dutchies.
Neverthelles, our white beaches and rum drentched coconuts are still the greatest !
A very happy New Year to you and yours Mark! Just got my super cool Level 42 hooded sweatshirt from CafePress.com and I love it. Hope to catch you guys again this coming year.
Hey Mark, Happy New Year to you and yours too (and to the rest of the guys).
Would be great if you could fit in a gig at the Cork Jazz Festival at the end of October.
Haven’t seen ye live since your last gig in Dublin back in 2006.
Was talking with one of the festival organisers who said that they had looked at bringing ye over a couple of times in the past but that it had never worked out due to scheduling, etc.
Wouldn’t it be great if it worked out this year!? Ha!
Best Wishes,
I’ve been watching the BBC Radio Solent acoustic performances on YouTube from ’06, and I’m thinking, it would definitely be fantastic if, during this upcoming tour, they would do an acoustic/unplugged set, in the middle of their regular set, especially when playing smaller clubs/venues. I hope you would consider doing that, Mark! 🙂
Sorry, me again! *sheepish grin* But, I just wanted to thank Mark for my signed copy of the Retroglide CD. Received it in the post today. 🙂 Completely made my day! An early birthday present! 😀 Love you! Thanks again! x
Foundation of the Empire popped out of my playlist for the first time in ages. Got me thinking about refernece to The series of books by Issac Asimov. Although Foundation is possibly my fave Level 42 track (big call) and I read the series of books some years ago, (although I never made the connection for ages in the title) I never had the opportunity to ask anyone about the reference. Glad to find the web site.
Can anyone (band or fan) tell me / confirm the link or otherwise. To me at least the pace of the track reflects the pace of the books. Or am I thinking too hard again! Regards Tim
Dear Mark,
Just to let you know, I just received some items from cafepress. Look’s good!! The only thing that suprised me was that i had to pay extra for costums in the netherlands, I though the clouths where coming from england but now I saw it’s coming from the usa. So poeple from holland know that you have to pay a 25% extra for custom services.
Is the new DVD ready???
Best regards, Daan