From the blog

Thank you Newcastle!!!!!

Well, this has been the best start to any tour I’ve been on, fabulous, and it’s all thanks to you dudes for coming to see us, and still diggin’ it after 30 years.

Sting and Dominic dropped in to say ‘hi’ which was very cool, and my hero Paul Thompson from the Roxy Music drum stool came in and had a drink too! Brill!! Cheers Newcastle.

Love to all Mx


  1. Just got in from another fantastic gig,Good to see Paul and Faron again.Mark is like a train he just keeps chugging away.Pete ray biggin was like animal from the muppet show on the drums,he had big shoes to fill and he was top class filling in for hubbo,Really pleased you liked the cake and the beer guys,remember to save some for your birthday coming up soon mark!!!Good luck with the rest of the tour and thanks again.

    Now we all have a 2 year wait.


    Ray Boyle.

  2. great night mark, thanx for photo u did with hubby, and the kiss,( i was the good looking blonde one!! ) at stage door. ha ha.. hope yr back in north east soon.

    elaine x

  3. Well what can I say! 30 years & still fantastic!! Excellent night from start to finish, can’t wait to see you all again… My daughter Samantha was over te moon, 8 years old, her 1st concert and then to meet you guys made her night worth while.. And she slept in for school, thanks for everything lads AMAZING!!! Grant, Sharon and Samantha x

  4. Thanks to the band for a great night!!

    Almost there and 43…two of my favourite tracks amazing!!

    Please please please do a one off gig full of those instrumentals and old stuff I would tear off my right arm to see that!!

    Good luck for the rest of the tour and kudos to pete ray who was stonking on drums!!



  5. Went to the Sage last night and the whole performance was great!. Newcastle crowds love their music and i hope you enjoyed their response

    3rd time i had seen you and better than ever. The place was bouncing. Brilliant individual musicianship. I really cant praise it highly enough.

    Loved it and so did everyone else i spoke to.

    John C

  6. Have to agree I was there with my younger brother I have seen Level 42 live a few times and I have to admit that I am still buzzing now. The atmosphere is always brilliant. Level 42 remain and always will be one of the best live bands I have ever heard.

    THe first music I put on my ipod and will always remain with me. Have to confess to also being a massive fan of Mike Lindup. He always show exactly how it is done. Very talented guy. I hope that one day I will manage to grab an autograph because I can never get close enough.

    Keep it up guys

    Ben V

  7. First ever post!

    How strange that one of Mark King’s heroes be Roxy Music’s drummer The Great Paul Thompson?
    I became a Level 42 fan when Roxy disbanded in the early eighties having been taken to the Pursuit of Accidents tour at the then Hammersmith Odeon.

    Also, Thomm is a top bloke!

    Looking forward to gig at O2Indigo, warming up my whistle!!!

  8. Outstanding as always.
    Rather than add my ramblings here, feel free to read my thread “Mark & Daniel W’s Night At The Sage” on the main forum.

    Thank you Level 42 🙂

    Mark W.

  9. A great gig
    All the old stuff plus some really old stuff(ALmost There & 43)
    Got my Alembic MK Signature Bass back plate signed by the man himself

  10. thank you for the dedication for my dad. Always been a fan of you guys because my dad always played the bass to your tunes. He kept on telling me you were his role model. Loved your finale act and they were the one my dad played the most again thank you for his dedication he would have loved it. great show and definitely going to see you next time your up

    THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!
    Jamie Chenylle-Proctor

  11. well what can i say guys!!! 2yrs ago my daughter was too young to come to the gig, shes waited 2yrs now shes 8 and you all gave her a night to remember, every one of you made her starstruck and ive never seen her so shy, you had all the time in the world for her! i will be eternally grateful and for her biggest hero Mark to sit her on his knee,give her a kiss and then sing to her “The Way Back Home” just took my and her mums breath away (shes only 8 but she said she’ll never wash her face again!! lol thanks Mark you made one little girl very happy ! THANK YOU

  12. Jamie,

    Really sorry to hear about your Dad – he sounds like he was an amazing bloke. A very fitting tribute to him last night. Best wishes to you and your family.


  13. Fantastic show at the Sage guys! The performance was highly energetic and as tight as ever. It may be 30 years, but you guys keep getting better and better! Pete’s drumming was outstanding, he adds a new dimension to the band!

    Highlights for me were “It’s Over” and “43” which brought back memories of happy times in the 80s. Glad you enjoyed the chocolates & card as a gesture of my appreciation for you and the guys delivering top quality music, decade after decade!

    All the best with the rest of the tour.

    Best wishes,

  14. Yeah cheers Mark & the lads it was brilliant!!

    I’ve never managed to see you before over all these years – brings the memories flooding back when I was a lad ‘borrowing’ your first album from a friend 🙂

  15. Wow, my first time – hopefully not the last! got my hopes up when you said you were going to play all new stuff. thank you and please come back soon

  16. what a fab band you are and mark such a lovely guy cant believe you take the time to show your appreciation to your fans only an hour after your gig!!! i have always enjoyed your music but first concert for me was the sage on wednesday night i didnt want your show to end love and hugs jenny xxx

  17. Amazing again as was Newcastle 2008. Jamie, what a touching tribute, my sis and I thought it was lovely. Well done guys, can honestly say I have NEVER seen anyone play live like you guys do, it rocked!! Looking forward to the next gig.

    Cat x

  18. WOW…..Newcastle what a lovely place…love The Sage……thanks so much for the handshakes and the stroke on my cheek!!!! x x <3 Sean what a gent to come and say Hi before the show too!!!

    The gig was awesome but over far too quickly….time flies when you;re having fun!!!

    See ya soon and "Thanks a million"

    Ju xxxxx

  19. The Sage was an gorgeous venue and we could get right up to the stage.

    Thank you Mark and Mike for the hand shakes and to Sean for the little peck on the cheek…bless you all. I hope Nathan is okay as he didn’t look too happy that night.

    Hi to Mark W and his son whom it was lovely to finally say “hi” to, and of course the girls from the Digest and Facebook…xx

    Thank you all for making it a memorable night! xx

  20. Hi guy’s,
    This is the 3rd time i’ve seen you in concert 1st in 1989 at whitley bay then newcastle 2008 and now the Sage…… what more can i say you just get better and better , the highlight for me was kansas city milkman (can’t get it out of my head now!!)Thanx to Mike for signing my ticket pity i couldn’t get close enough to get Mark’s (gutted)Can’t wait another 2 years so hurry back soon boys!!

    Thanx again for a fantastic nite
    lou xx

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