Level 42, one of the greatest pop and funk bands of the ‘80s, continues to make history with over four decades of career. With hits like “Lessons in Love” and “Running in the Family”, the British group will perform on July 11th at Les Nits de Barcelona. 🌟
In 2025, they return with a new tour, bringing back their classics and surprising fans with new material.
Level 42 will be appearing as the Special Guests to The Who at this year’s Teenage Cancer Trust shows at the Royal Albert Hall on THURSDAY MARCH 27TH & SUNDAY MARCH 30TH 2025.
The Shaping of Jaydee outlines how John Diggins became a guitar maker, the people he worked with and for along the way to create his unique instruments and sound.
The forward is written by Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) and there are contributions from Mark King (Level 42), Dave Hill (Slade) and George Anderson (Shakatak).